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Windows Live Mail
Windows Live Mail 2011 / 2012
Windows Essentials: Windows Live Mail replaces Outlook Express in Windows 7
When trying to install Windows Live 2011 in Windows 8, error no internet connection error, therefore cannot finish update, even though there is a connection.
Only Windows Essential 2012 can be installed in Windows 8 & 10
Install using the complete version:
and then select Mail only.
Do not use wlsetup-web.exe.
2011 data seem to be compatible with 2012
Data location 2011 & 2012:
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail
To backup Windowd Live Mail 2011 or 2012:
Copy all the files stored in AppData\Local\Microsoft
\Windows Live
\Windows Live Mail
To restore Windows Live Mail data:
Install Windows Live Mail 2012.
Copy manually all the previously backed up files to the new
\Windows Live
\Windows Live Mail
To export Windows Live Mail 2012 to MS Outlook 2007
(not Outlook Express)
Both MS Outlook & Windows Live Mail must be installed in the same PC.
Open MS Outlook (already configured)
Open WLM 2012 and run export to MS Exchange (can take a long time)
All the messages are exported to MS Outlook into a new folder, however the contacts are not exported.
From within WLM export contact in .csv format
Then manually convert .csv format WLM to MS Outlook .csv format
import new converted .csv format into MS Outlook contacts
If the destination is not MS Outlook 2007, import the newly created .pst file into the new outlook on the new machine when relevant
When importing from an old backup created using Windows Live Mail
It creates an Imported folder - the mails have got to be moved manually to the reception window
Import the contats.csv from the old contact export
after reinstalling WLM to restore/import a backed WLM (the Windows Live Mail format backup)
However importing the .csv contacts works.
Configuration: port 110 port 25
To convert WLM .csv contact file to MS Outlook 2007 contact folder
Change file to .txt
Make a copy of .txt
Just for identification:
Create a new file with Editplus and copy paste the contents of .txt file
save as new.txt
if you don't do that Excel open the file but without the accents
Windows Live Mail might have done something to the exported txt file somehow
remove all the accents in the header before opening with Excel.
Check that the accents are OK
change type of each field from Standard to Text to make sure the numbers are treated as text.
(beware of the digit 0 that can disappear)
save as Excel file
identify the colonnes data name required.
In the original WLM .csv (with accents)
delete all ,
replace all ; with ,
Hopefully that is all you'll need to do
It appears that the actual header names in WLM are the same as MS Outlook,
however the order is different, but it might work without having to edit much.
The MS Outlook import tries to do its best to map the right colonnes.
To convert WLM .csv contact file to Thunderbird contacts
1. Exporter les contatcs de Windows Live Mail
2. Width Editplus open contacts_wlm.csv
remove , ' "
3. Create a new file with Editplus and copy paste the contents of contacts_wlm.csv
save as contacts_wlm.txt
if it is not done Excel opens the file but without the accents
Windows Live Mail must do something to the exported txt file somehow.
4. Open contacts_wlm.txt with MS Excel
check that the accents are OK
change type of each field from Standard to Text to make sure the numbers are treated as text.
Save as contacts_wlm.xls
5. Prepare a Thunderbird format Excel file
export sample data from Thunderbird to test_thunderbird_contact.csv
rename to test_thunderbird_contact.txt
open with Excel
save as test_thunderbird_contact.xls
6. Open two instances of MS Excel
one with contacts_wlm.xls
one with test_thunderbird_contact.xls
Manually match the columns in contacts_wlm.xls with the Thunderbird ones test_thunderbird_contact.xls
use copy paste & modify test_thunderbird_contact.xls accordingly
WLM --> Thunderbird
Nom --> Nom à afficher
Adresse de messagerie --> Adresse électronique principale
Téléphone domicile --> Tél. personnel
7. Still in Excel, save test_thunderbird_contact.xls as contacts_thunderbird.csv using format
CSV (séparateur point-virgule)(*.csv)
8. With Editplus open contacts_thunderbird.csv
replace all the ; with ,
9. Test import in Thunderbird with a small sample first
Pour inserer un lien http dans la signature
créer un fichier signature.html avec Notepad:
Sauvegarder comme signature.html
Dans Windows Live Mail
Cliquer sur icone en haut à droite
sélectionner Option
Sélectionner Courrier
Onglet Signatures
Cliquer sur Nouveau
Vers le bas de la fenêtre sélectionner Fichier puis parcourir
Ouvrir signature.html puis OK
Pour créer une liste de diffusion ou groupe
Voir Contact
Dans la barre d’outils, cliquer sur l’icône Catégorie
Microsoft a choisi d’appeler catégories les listes de diffusion dans Windows Live Mail
Windows Live Mail 2011
Une erreur s'est produite lors de la tentative de connexion au service Calendrier Windows Live
Enlever la synchronisation du calendrier dans windows live mail:
Dans c: \ Program files (x86) \ WindowsLive \ Mail
renommé wcsync.dll en wcsync.dll_calendrier
la tâche de synchronisation ne se lance plus.
ID 141