Détails des Données


To install WordPress in a local environment using Wamp
Create a new database in phpMysql
Get all the db parameters ready
In Wamp create the site location and copy all the unzipped WordPress file
First time that http://localhost/sitename/index.php is executed,
it installs WordPress automatically

To install WordPress in a Live environment
FTP WordPress (v5.9.1) to the live site (2837 fichiers)
The database must be first created in the host server (OVH) and the db parameters known
First time that https://www.wpsite.fr/index.php is executed, it installs WordPress automatically

Ne pas utiliser d'accent dans le code sinon l'editeur wordpress ne pourra pas ouvrir le fichier

Embedding php in wordpress
Put it in a template file

Database connection settings
The database connection settings in the WordPress configuration file
are located in the root directory of the website in:

When copying a live site (using ftp) + db (using phpMyadmin) to a local wamp site server
Modify www\wp-config.php db settings
Modify table wp_options, rows: siteurl & home

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ID 158
